ah the blue bomber. i would be lying if i said i was around when the nes ruled the world, i was raised on a ps2, which i still had until December 23rd 09 when i got a ps3 and gave my ps2 to my older sister. its too bad he missed the jump in the 5th gen. lots of standing franchises did at the same time, castlevania for one. ya there was symphony of the night but that was essentially super castlevania 4 and super metroid put into a blender and given an extra 15 bits. a good game no doubt but that single CD pretty much destroyed the chance of castlevania growing past that. i know i'm getting off topic but castlevania interesting too and i'll get back to mega man in due course. there have been a number of good castlevania games on portables mostly, but they have all been in that same mold of symphony. why? because when castlevania tried something different on the nintendo 64, which was just called castlevania. (there was another on n64 but it was basically the same) in those too failed attempts to bring castlevania forward combined the success of the metroid clone one cemented it in the past.
i would start talking about metroid now but that would be just too rambley even for me.
mega man had a similar stutter in the 5th gen but with no "symphony" of the night to give it a new mechanic it reverted to the old one. around ten robot masters, defeat one, take its power, use the power against next robot master, rinse and repeat. true he hasn't completely died, but very close too, but at least he is making some, decent games (at least i think he is) unlike another blue friend who was once probably more loved then mega man was, but that is an opinion, for someone who was there.